"We are each other's shelter from the storm."

One day I walked into a library and my eyes fell on a book called Kingdom Come. I picked it up and to my surprise it was a comic book...or rather as I later learned, a graphic novel. But I saw beautifully painted panels and heroes that I recognized from my childhood who seemed ...well, grown up. I borrowed that book and I was moved and fascinated by, not only the story of men and women who are great heroes, but by they way they showed their humanity. They suddenly were not two dimensional people who just fought bad guys. They were deeply complex. I love books and reading on the whole and I guess getting into the comic genre as an adult woman was a case of serendipity. It led me to finding DC comics and the heroes I grew up with on TV and saw in movies and newsprint. It led me to finding Clark Kent or as he is known by his other name, Kal-El, and Princess Diana. I fell in love with them and am obsessed with all things Amazonian and Kryptonian now. I love their relationship. I love what they stand for. I love the contrasts of the princess/farmer's son; reporter/ambassador; pragmatic warrior/idealistic protector and empathetic teacher/enforcer of justice. A girl born of the earth and a boy who fell from the sky. The first daughter of Themyscira and last son of Krypton. And it surprised me to find that there were many fans like me, who adore them too.

DC rebooted their universe in 2011 and my favorite pairing is now canon!!! Yay.

Disclaimer : Superman and Wonder Woman are the property of DC comics.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

New Superman Writing Team and Previews for # 0 Issues

Come September 2012, a new team will take up the Superman book. This will be the third team. After months of me complaining about the title, I can only hope that third time's a charm. But let me do say, it can't be worse than what we got. I hope Scott Lobdell is up to the task. Kenneth Rocafort's art looks beautiful so I don't think we'll have issue with that.

The title has been boring no end. So far we have had Perez, who complained this was not his Superman and Jurgens who seemed to be there to limit Giffen and more or less want to keep one foot back in the status quo pre the reboot. It feels as if these guys are just too old school and cannot get into the head of a young man who would be Superman in 2012. Any good writer should be able to do this and give us the social crusader envisioned by Siegal and Schuster but with a modern sensibility. Grant Morrison and Geoff Johns ( if and when he can allow the guy to speak) is capable to giving us that guy. So far just the image of Superman on that preview by Rocafort seems to line up with the one in Action and Justice League. This Superman is not the Clark of last canon. He is passionate, proactive and defiant and nothing about him should be naive or black and white, preachy and whiny nor should he define his measurement as a man and hero because of Lois Lane. Superman was never Superman for one person.

September will see #0 issues for Action Comics, Wonder Woman and Earth 2 and seems all of DC's new 52 #0 titles are going into the past.I hope we don't see more whining and moping Superman in Earth 2 who thinks once Lois is dead he has no purpose. (eye roll)

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